Memory Loss
Telia PlayOhjelmat ja sarjatLamputKausi 3Memory Loss


Tutustu paketteihin
  • Kausi 3
  • Jakso 42: Memory Loss

It's back to basics as Specs attempts to catch Lamput with a net. Not being much good at anything at all physical, Specs ends up whacking himself on his own noggin. The blow shakes loose what little ability Specs had to function as an adult.

Tietoa sarjasta: Lamput is a gooey orange substance that escaped from a secret laboratory. Two scientists, Fat Doc and Slim Doc, are trying their best to catch him.

David Boat, Jessika Van, Max Mittelman
Katsottavissa pe 24.1. klo 12:50 saakka

Tuleva jakso

Kausi 3, Jakso 45

Kausi 3

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