Future Tense
Telia PlayOhjelmat ja sarjatLamputKausi 3Future Tense


  • Kausi 3
  • Jakso 33: Future Tense

Skinny might be a man of science, but he's more than happy to get his fortune told. The palm-reader sees alarming visions of Skinny's future.

Tietoa sarjasta: Lamput is a gooey orange substance that escaped from a secret laboratory. Two scientists, Specs Doc and Skinny Doc, are trying their best to catch him. But always a master of disguise, he escapes from right under their noses.

David Boat, Jessika Van, Max Mittelman

Tuleva jakso

Kausi 3, Jakso 43

Kausi 3

10 / 15 jaksoa