Lamput and the Spider
Telia PlayOhjelmat ja sarjatLamputKausi 3Lamput and the Spider


Tutustu paketteihin
  • Kausi 3
  • Jakso 35: Lamput and the Spider

Lamput shows kindness to a nearby spider - and in the process makes a valuable ally. Good thing, too, because the mozzies around here are diabolical.

Tietoa sarjasta: Lamput is a gooey orange substance that escaped from a secret laboratory. Two scientists, Fat Doc and Slim Doc, are trying their best to catch him.

David Boat, Jessika Van, Max Mittelman
Katsottavissa tänään 08:50 saakka

Tuleva jakso

Kausi 3, Jakso 45

Kausi 3

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