Jade Armor
Telia PlayOhjelmat ja sarjatJade ArmorKausi 1Jade Armor

Jade Armor

Tutustu paketteihin
  • Kausi 1
  • Jakso 11: Jade Armor

Theo's play is being put on - yay! But the auditions are awful - boo! When a Shard in a spotlight gives the illusion of talent, L.J. leaves it there to help Theo's show.

Tietoa sarjasta: The martial arts-loving Lan Jun, an unlikely teenage heroine who must learn the ancient secrets of her family and uncover the unexpected, all while navigating life as a teen.

Katsottavissa ti 28.1. klo 02:35 saakka

Tuleva jakso

Kausi 1, Jakso 19

Kausi 1

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